significance of breath

Are you conscious about the way you exhale?

The significance of breath is often neglected as if it is has nothing to do with the health of human body. This is the very basic reason why new hospitals and health clinics crop up at least on a monthly basis in India.

To explore more about the vedic concept of breath, let us look into some of the basic facts about the way we must exhale our breath.

While exhaling, if the length of the breath is so long ( i.e., beyond the limits given in Shiva Swarodhaya),that particular person would face health issues for sure. As we all know, depending upon the actions in which a person involves, the length of the breath varies.

The interesting fact behind the vedic principles of conscious breathing is to decrease the length of breath while exhaling as much as we can in order to retain more quantum of Prana in our body. If the length of breath during exhalation is more, the loss of Prana also would be more.


But, is any one of us (Indians) really bothered about it?


Only a small minority (~0.5%) of the whole Indian population may be bothering about it and practice it carefully. Such people would never succumb to any diseases in their life.

In order to retain ‘Prana: the vital life force’ one must consciously determine what must be the length of breath while exhaling.

According to Shiva Swarodhaya; continuously for some period,

If the length of anyone’s breath during exhalation is within:
1 angula:

A state of detachment will arise If the length of anyone’s breath during exhalation reaches

2 angula:

A state of complete happiness emerges      

3 angula:

A state being highly creative realises

4 angula:

A state in which he/she attains complete power over word (whatever he/she says, it will  come true)

5 angula:

A state in which he/she attains the abilities to forecast events in future.

If the length of breath for a person during exhalation increases beyond 11 angula for a considerable period of time, he/she will suffer from excess loss of life energy and it will lead to health complications.

**Though angulahas different aspects, here it has to be calculated as 1 angula = breadth of one’s own finger (3/4 inch) “Marvelous was the way our ancient SEERS lived in Vedic era”‍

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