Understanding your Fate

The Karmic Law of Sow-Reap

Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. In this day and age, people who delve in materialistic-mechanistic paradigm of life prefer to portray the meaning of this law in physical life and ascribe the full credential of this finding to Newton who lived in an overlapping period of 16th and 17th centuries. 

In actuals, Newton’s third law of motion exactly matches with this Karmic law. The only difference is that our rishis spoke about it in transcendental form whereas Newton portrayed it in the physical realm.

But, how many of us know that our ancient sages had a clear perception of such a phenomenon and had described about it using the word ‘Karma’, a word that has its origin in Sanskrit but now acknowledged by Merriam Webster dictionary with a meaning “such a force considered as affecting the events of one’s life”.

Enlightened beings in the Vedic period had a clear-cut understanding of such forces and were convinced that those forces were/are/will be generated in your life based on your actions. All your actions are judged irrespective of quality and an equivalent Karma, nothing less-nothing more, is assigned to you to carry forward while your soul transmigrates based on the transmigration theory of souls in Vedic sciences. This law is called the law of Karma. 

This is the most profound natural law which has ever been discovered in the history of mankind. 

The 9 planets that govern the fate of our lives

 In transcendental realm, on account of the Karmic luggage a soul carries, the Super Consciousness of this universe will fix a particular time and space based on a specific alignment of nine planetary forces and 27 stellar forces to let the soul to take different forms to reap what that soul sowed in the past life. 

So, based on the specific alignment of planetary and stellar forces at the time of your birth which we call horoscope, delineation of your Karmic pattern can be accomplished and modus operandi can be suggested for the favourable evolution of your soul. 

Mysblavatsky promise

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