Awakening dormant energy

Is awakening Kundalini beneficial?

It is common knowledge that the wholeness of a human being can be described by dividing him/her into three sub-bodies.

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Soul


Among these three, particularly astral body is attached more closer to Kundalini energy. It must be noted that all ordinary nerve related functions in our body are being accomplished by the mere existence of Kundalini. Generally, Kundalini energy exists in a dormant state which is enough for the nervous system to function. As long as it remains in the dormant state, our consciousness will be in the primitive state. To awaken it, there are many methods. Though there are many methods, three of them are found to be highly recognized

  • Pranayama
  • Mantra
  • Meditation


However, in some cases, it may be awakened spontaneously as a result of the PAST KARMA. According to various sources, consuming certain tranquilisers/hallucinogenic drugs may cause a ‘stimulating effect’ on Kundalini but such actions never realize ‘complete awakening’.

Artificial stimulation intended to awaken Kundalini is not recommended as the arousing of Kundalini by artificial means would certainly end up in physical, mental and spiritual disharmony due to Kundalini disorders.
Kundalini awakening
Kundalini awakening

The Kundalini is not always friendly in nature. Improper and untimely attempts to awaken it will certainly cause health issues. It must be practiced under the guidance of a‘True Guru’. In ancient days, a herbal formulation, viz.,  Soma, had been employed to awaken Kundalini under the supervision of a ‘Guru’. But, suchformulation must be consumed by assessing the qualities of one’s mind-bodysystem as a whole. Because such formulations, if given to a wrong person, may cause elevation of Vata/Pitta doshas.

 In general, among the food stuffs, pure ghee is a good agent that facilitates the gradual and natural awakening of Kundalini. Two important herbs used for arousing Kundalini by artificial means in ancient India were Acorus calamus and Clitoria ternatea.

 If anyone is traveling through spiritual path, at times, he/she may experience pain at the lower back, burning sensation at the region of physical chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar plexus) etc coupled with heightened hallucinations. These hallucinations may seem to be too strong and the one who experiences it may misinterpret such happenings as one among the many aspects of ultimate spiritual wisdom.

But, please be informed that such people may be suffering from Kundalini disorders that need to be rectified immediately by


Following simple meditations solely for devotional purposes

  1. Avoiding intoxicants
  2. Avoiding particularly the herbal formulations that contain Acorus calamus and  Clitoria ternatea  
  3. Avoiding the exposure to any material which derived from Cinnamomum camphora
  4. Applying brahmi oil to the top of the head followed by a 5 minute massage.

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