Shaping your Destiny

Four types of Karma

When we dive deep into the subtleties of Karma and its divisions, we learn about four types of Karma, viz., 1) Sanchita Karma, 2) Prarabdha Karma, 3) Kriyamana Karma and 4) Agama Karma. Similar to most of us possessing a bank account to deposit our savings, each soul possesses a transcendental Karmic account which is fully operational in the entire transmigrational history of a soul.

Four types of karma - Sanchita, Prarabdha, Agama, Kriyamana

The total of all Karma generated and deposited in that Karmic account based on your past actions is called your Sanchita Karma.

In each reincarnation, your soul is allowed to experience a portion of its Sanchita Karma which is known as your Prarabdha Karma or in other words, your fate or your destiny. Hence, the words fate and destiny hold a significant meaning in your life.

Your fate or your destiny in this lifetime is your Prarabdha Karma .

This is the reason why no one could ever develop a theory for deriving an exact social and personal developmental pattern of an individual’s life based on family, intelligence, finance, education, strength, skill-set etc acquired by him/her in a lifetime. 

Because, no matter what one is born with or grows with, Karma will definitely follow. Although no one can escape from the law of Karma, that is not the end because Kriyamana Karma indicates the actions that you can do in this life based on your free- will.

Kriyamana Karma indicates the actions that you can do in this life based on your free- will.

Appropriate utilization of the abounding possibilities of Kriyamana Karma will help you alleviate to a certain extent the undesirable effects of your past life actions and also to proceed in your life with a promising Karmic code to pay off the Karmic debts in your transcendental Karmic account. 

The thoughts that are enabling you to perform Kriyamana Karma, viz., Agama Karma, play a critical role in determining whether you are exerting your actions in a direction which will upsize or downsize your Karmic debts. 

Nothing but your horoscope which depicts the influence of planetary and stellar forces on your life can reveal how your Agama Karma is going to be and its physical reflection Kriyamana Karma in the present life.

The major responsibility of an astrologer is to raise the level of your consciousness to make you comprehend the complex but beautiful interlinking of your Agama and Kriyamana Karma on account of your Sanchita and Prarabdha Karma to design the path of your life in the current birth.

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