Our Manifesto

Raise your 

By combining Vedic Astrology, Numerology and Scalar Wave Technology and using a spiritual tools to align ourselves with the cosmos, we can invite positive change in our lives — This is the pursuit of transformation at MysBlavatsky.

01 — methodology through Jyotiḥśāstra

Transform your Karmas

Vedic astrology holds the fact that 9 planetary forces and 27 stellar forces influence various tangible and intangible events happening on Earth in the biotic and abiotic levels. Rising sign and the positioning of planets in various signs/houses under different Nakshatras at the exact time of your birth reveal a divine plan about your soul which is to be executed on this Earth through the process called “LIFE (Letting Incessant Flow of Energy)”.

The term LIFE when expanded in terms of energy shows that your life is all about energy transfer. How well are you able to do the energy exchange with the planetary and stellar forces unmask the Karmic codes that you carry from the past and how those codes are going to influence your present and future. Jyotiḥśāstra, rooted in the Vedas combines the principles of Astronomy, Mathematics and Esotericism to study the influence of planetary energies from the Solar system and twenty seven stellar energies on mundane and spiritual affairs related to human life on the plane of earth.

The fruits of your past life Karma are channelized to you to experience them on this earthly plane through nine Grahas by the Stellar forces. When we view human life through the lens of Jyotiḥśāstra, it may seem that everything related to our life is predetermined and there is nothing we can do except following the path dictated by planets and stellar forces.

But, Swamy Sri Yukteswar Giri says “planetary pressures can be overcome using spiritual measures”. This is what we strongly believe in.

Although a path is defined by the celestial agencies to experience the Karmic fruits, a provision always exists for exercising your ‘free-will’ to change your Agama Karma using spiritual measures which will in turn help to choose the right actions to make your life far better amidst experiencing ripened Karma.
02 — methodology through Subtle Energetics

Redefine your Energy

When direct forecasting techniques (Transits, Solar & Saturn returns and Eclipses) or indirect forecasting techniques (Predictive techniques, secondary progressions and transits) fail to bring the change you desire in your professional life, business, relationships or any field of your life, we turn to the realm of energetics to heal and influence positive change.

Many say “we have used spiritual resources but we could not alleviate issues related to planetary afflictions in our lives”. The reason is the state of mind that you have developed over a period of time by being under the influence of non-cordial information exchange between you the ‘system’ and the ‘surroundings’. When the entropy (randomness) of your mind is high, you will never be able to communicate rightly with the higher powers of this universe because your mind should be able to send continuous signals to establish right connections with higher powers to manifest changes in your life. You want the change, but your mind is not prepared due to the increased entropy, in that case, your mind will never be able to establish such connections.

In such instances, through certain measures, the entropy of your mind can be brought down to minimum. As soon as the entropy comes down, your mind will regain its natural ability to communicate with higher powers through spiritual measures and also will be able to receive practical insights to lead life in the most benefitting direction. We use certain subtle energy techniques to work on your energy centres and seven energy layers of human body (Brennan model) to define the state of your energy body. By defining the state of your energy body, we will be able to redefine your life by what you should communicate with the higher powers and what you will receive in turn.

Depending upon your subtle energetics at a given time, balancing measures will be undertaken using specific subtle energy instruments. If you do not want to use your mind to send signals for you due to one or the other reason, we have developed systems and strategies in the field of subtle energetics to do the same for you which we call Maxlihood Manifestation.

Maxlihood Manifestation works on the principle of converting our intentions into numerical frequencies and broadcasting such frequencies using specific devices to harness the intended outcome. Such broadcasted waves can be called Ethereal waves.

In the realm of Physics, such waves can be called Tesla waves. These waves are not electromagnetic but travel faster than the speed of light. These waves can be used as a power source to align yourself with the cosmos.
Our mission


Our singular focus is to help you understand how your current life and realities are regulated by invisible forces; māyic wires influencing your current reality. Using Jyotiḥśāstra we study your karmic response to planetary stimuli and infer the theme of your life. We give you a detailed account on how your fate unfolds from your birth, and help you devise strategies and effective remedies to identify opportunities to improve, influence or change the course of your life path; design your destiny.
We help you find your life path.
Why we're different
Akashic reading and oersonalised reports
Recognise your karmas
Explore how your fate unfolds by analysing your Prarabdha karma at birth and Agama Karma at the dynamic level.
Astrological and remedial services
Spiritual Remedies
Raise the level of your consciousness and shift your awareness to the influence of Mayic wires in your life.
Vedic astrology services
Align your energy
Develop an understanding of situations and events in your life that affect your karmic debt and chart a path of least resistance.
Khuller Ji's Cuspal Interlink reports
Determine a Life Path
Chart out an astrological path to shape your destiny and break-free of the strange holds of your karmas
not sure where to begin?

Consult our Jyotisha Shree