Physical, Mental & Emotional Intelligence

The Holistic Path of Business Management

The following post is a Q & A format to understand and explore “The Holistic Path of Business Management”

I would like to be a part of a corporate business environment, may I know the very basic quality required to get involved in it?

You must have optimal synchronous physical, mental and emotional intelligence as this merged but balanced state of three planes of ‘intelligence’ has been regarded as basic requirement to be involved in any level of hierarchy in any mode of business.

What do you ‘exactly’ mean by physical, mental and emotional intelligence?
  1. Physical intelligence determines one’s ability to collect, document and analyze information.
  2. Mental intelligence determines the rate at which one reaches a conclusion/ decision after completing the first cycle (collection, documentation and analysis).
  3. Emotional intelligence sums up one’s awareness involved in executing first and second cycles.
3 types of intelligence

If it is so, can I regard ‘emotional intelligence’ as superior to other types as it is influencing the first and second cycles?

Ans) Yes, ofcourse. Though all three types of intelligence are equally important, emotional intelligence transcends over other two.              

How can I establish the above mentioned ‘optimal synchronised’ state?

The path for establishing such a state to get attuned with all business activities/ modules is known as ‘Holistic Path of Business Management’ as many inter connected routes converge to manifest the optimised synchronous state of three planes of intelligence.

Can you kindly explain the ‘Holistic Path of Business Management’.

If we apply the famous second law of Thermodynamics to the functional human body, it can be stated that the entropy of the human body (comprising physical, emotional and mental planes) always increases when left to itself.

The condition‘when left to itself’ is of paramount significance as if such a condition is realised, then no synchronous association will exist between the above mentioned three planes.

The word ‘entropy' means randomness/ disorder. Since any body is a mass of energy vibrating at different frequencies, any increase in entropy would result in the origin of inappropriate vibratory levels which in turn lead to the ascendance of disorders in all the three planes (physical, mental and emotional).    

To be successful at any role taken up in any mode of business,

“You must keep the entropy of all the three planes at the very minimum” (Basic principle of the Holistic Path of Business Management)

This is pivotal in establishing optimal synchronous state of physical, mental and emotional intelligence.

How can I start my journey though this “Holistic path”?

There are many ways and it must be remembered always that no way will fetch you the benefits overnight!!! According to the Chandogya Upanishad (VI.V.I), the food and oil that we consume determine “Who We Are and What We Do”.

Interestingly, modern science has also supported the ancient knowledge. As a beginner, to start your journey through “Holistic path”, you must reduce your body’s entropy by four strategies


4  strategies to a holistic path

Strategy I

Consuming fruits that have high ORAC values along with meals

The brightly coloured fruits are rich in flavonoids and other polyphenols. These compounds are highly essential for safe guarding brain’s poly unsaturated fatty acid molecules (PUFA). If PUFA molecules are not protected, the entropy of brain cells will be increased and the neurotransmitters will not function effectively. This condition will seriously affect all three levels of intelligence. 

We must have an idea about the oxygen radical absorbance capacity values of common fruits that are available.

For eg:

  • Strawberries  - 1540
  • Plums              - 949
  • Orange            - 750
  • Grapes             - 739

Avoiding hydrogenated oils (trans – fatty acids) that fetch no benefits to human physiology

For eg: cakes, pastries, French fries, potato chips etc.

Incorporating 2-3 grams of flax seed (grounded/whole) everyday in your diet to increase the level of alpha- linolenic acid (ALA)

Consuming a ‘uncooked green coloured unripened tomato (wild variety)’ everyday to optimize the level of neurotransmitter GABA

Altogether, these choices,

  • will scavenge free radicals to a great extent
  • enhances the level of GABA which increases decision making skills
  • increase the level of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) to produce more eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Since a ‘smart brain’ is prerequisite to enjoy a successful career in business, the above strategy (if practiced for 3 months) will start showing results in real time.

The health of your brain is vital in bringing maximum out of physical, mental and emotional intelligence.


Strategy II

Get up before sunrise and gaze at Sun for 15 minutes when the sun rises

Sunlight – Eye –Optic nerve – Brain – Endocrine glands. This is the pathway, showing the transmission of energy possessed by sunlight to endocrine glands such as pineal, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal and gonads. Proper energization of these glands is possible only by using the energy possessed by Sunlight(practice it for 3 months without fail).


Strategy III

After sun gazing, barefoot walking for 20 minutes every day

The surface of the earth is regarded as the largest array of free electrons which are otherwise known as universal anti oxidants. The barefoot walking enables us to absorb the free electrons from the surface of the earth to our body via the foot and these free electrons will act as

  1. Anti oxidants
  2. Key role players in energy metabolism


Strategy IV

The practice of beginner’s level Pranayama as detailed in the book titled ‘Prana and Pranayama' published by Bihar school of Yoga.

The practice of strategy IV is very much important as this strategy synchronizes the optimised physical, mental and emotional intelligence resulted as result of the regularfollow-up of strategies I, II and III.  


In short: Strategy I, II,& III reduce body-mind system’s entropy and Strategy IV synchronises the system.

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